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  • Hold Your Head High With This Self-Esteem Exercise

April 6, 2015

Hold Your Head High With This Self-Esteem Exercise

Practice esteeming who you are. Make a list of words that are self-esteeming. These words begin with “self.”

• Self-prideful
• Self-admiring
• Self-approving
• Self-confident
• Self-important
• Self-loving
• Self-respecting
• Self-satisfied

Add your own self-esteeming words to this list. Notice that these words are about you esteeming yourself and have nothing to do with the way others esteem you. They have nothing to do with approval from others, looking good to others, being right, or controlling the way others think about you.

They have nothing to do with your material possessions, education, knowledge, accomplishments, friends, or money in the bank. They exist within you just because you exist and not because of what you have, do, or know. They are an expression of you just because you are you. Be sure to make the practice of esteeming yourself a fun experience.

self esteem expert patricia nollUtilize the positive thinking-feeling-doing loop as you practice esteeming yourself. The loop works like this. You think a self-esteeming word about yourself, which leads to feeling esteem for who you are. When you feel esteem for who you are your behavior will reflect the esteem you have for you. For example, the more you esteem who you are the easier it is for you to see yourself with softer and kinder eyes; you begin to see past what you have, do, and know. Your reaction to this will be holding your head high with self-pride no matter what.




This prompts another self-esteeming word that engenders feelings of contentment, satisfaction, and happiness. These feelings foster kindness toward you. Your kindness toward yourself provokes more acceptance of yourself, which you act out in your everyday routine, and the loop continues without end. This is the powerful self-esteeming thinking-feeling-doing loop at work.

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