It’s fully time to Celebrate You! Here is an easy exercise to train your brain into positive thought changes.
Think one single positive thought about yourself. I am sure you can come up with one by now. But if you can’t come up with one single positive thought about yourself, make one up for now. You could also imagine a “what if” positive thought about yourself that you would like to have or you can ask a close friend or family member to tell you about a quality they see in you that you don’t see in yourself. Or pick one from the list that follows:
I like the color of my eyes.
I have healthy legs.
I have strong toes.
I am kind.
I am a good friend.
I love nature.
I am a good worker.
I am a survivor.
Now keep repeating your positive thought over and over throughout the day. What happens? Write about it.
In addition to the methods you have already learned to silence your negative thoughts, you can speak directly to your negative thoughts when they occur. Have a list ready to combat them before they even happen. Your list can consist of something like this:
Go away.
You don’t have a home here anymore.
I’m over you.
You don’t know what you’re talking about.
I’m done with you.
You make me laugh.
I don’t believe you anymore.
You’re toast.
You don’t own me anymore.
Now make up some of your own. Write them down to use whenever a negative thought pops into your mind. It’s always good to have several methods at your fingertips to overcome negative thoughts.