I spend most of my time these days teaching people how to change their realities. Neel Kashkari, former assistant secretary of the treasury, said on CNN, June 5, 2010, that “Reality means more than perception.”
Assuming this to be accurate, since perception creates reality, what happens to our reality if our perception is flawed? Does that mean our reality is flawed as well?
Yes! Many people live day in and day out with a flawed sense of reality and don’t realize it. What they don’t realize is that their thinking, no matter how accurate or how flawed, determines their experience of themselves, others, and their world. Thought, and thought alone, determines your very own unique experience of life.
Remember this: Our self-dependent esteem or other-dependent esteem, and therefore our happiness or unhappiness, is created for each of us moment by moment with the thoughts we think.
Sit down and think about how good you are. Repeat this throughout this day and every day for
the remainder of your life. Can’t think of anything good about you? If not, then make something up and think about it over and over again throughout the day.
Don’t mistake this for encouraging untrue and delusional thinking. There is something good about every single one of us. Sometimes we just have to find it—and beginning with something made-up may lead you to the truth about the good in you. You could even ask a friend or family member to point out something good about you and think about it throughout the day. Or find a word in the dictionary that describes a good trait or characteristic in you that you had forgotten you had and make it your mantra for the day.
Then find a new word to describe a good trait or characteristic about yourself each and every day.