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June 30, 2014

Good With Me – Are You Having Fun Yet?

having-funAre you having fun yet? Real fun is out of reach for those who are other-dependent. Even the illusion of fun isn’t much fun. But the good news is that your definition of fun changes when you become self-dependent.

Your thinking changes too and you begin to have fun in ways you never before thought possible. Most of us haven’t been taught how to have fun beyond the experience of childhood, and we’ve forgotten how good it feels to have fun for real. Those who are other-dependent are afraid to look silly, so for many the only time they can “let their hair down” and play is when they’re intoxicated or high. Otherwise it is too uncomfortable to play. To the contrary, self-dependent people give themselves permission to play. They have lightened up because they no longer depend upon what others think of them.

There are as many reasons not to have fun as there are ways to have fun. Let’s explore a few of the reasons why we won’t give ourselves permission to play.

Some of us have been taught to take life seriously, so there’s no time for play. Some of us have been conditioned to believe it’s irresponsible to be “clowning around like a child.” Some may even think they’re not very good at childs play. To that end, ask yourself how you could not be good enough just to play and have some fun. You might remember how self-conscious you were when you were playing as a child, and that memory keeps you from playing now. Could it be that even as a child you were worried about what others thought of you, even while playing?

Others think they are too old to do something just for the fun of it.

Don’t wait until retirement to have fun. Don’t put it off. It’s time to have some real fun now. Having fun doesn’t wait until someday when you’re ready. What are some of the ways you like to have fun? Share it in the comments below.

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