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June 2, 2014

My Ooh-Ahh Factor! (and how to get one for yourself)

book cover final 233x300 png fileHave you received your first chapter of “Good With Me” yet? I authored this book for a unique purpose…to show others what I have learned and others have learned from my unique treatment modality:  how to feel good about themselves and their lives without depending upon someone or something outside of themselves to do so.

As a practicing therapist of 25 years, I became aware of a common thread among my clients.  It was a lack of self-esteem.  I started to question why it was so prevalent among almost everyone who came to me for help; individuals of every age, gender, sexual orientation, race, and culture.  I began to look deeper into my own life quest for happiness and asking why it was so difficult, not only to acquire, but more importantly to hang on to for more than an abbreviated period of time.  It was during this exploration that I discovered my ooh-ahh factor.

I recognized that most of us have been taught to be other-dependent for our happiness.

I realized that society is unknowingly promoting other-dependent esteem instead of true self-esteem. I saw first hand how being other-dependent is responsible for the majority of our poor choices and addictive behaviors.

I developed a unique treatment modality by applying what I learned to myself first and then my clients.  I focus on the dynamic relationship between thinking, the role of self-dependent esteem versus the role of other-dependent-esteem, the four attachments which are to worry about the opinions of others, the need to look good, the need to be right, and the need to control the way things turn out, and the role of each in what it takes to be happy for a lifetime.

Here is how you can have your own Ooh-Ahh Factor for yourself… and it is so simple.

Sign in below and receive your complimentary 1st chapter of Good With Me instantly and see the changes happen for yourself!

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