Hello my name is Andrew and I am an ex-substance abuser. I didn’t come from a troubled home or family. I was troubled in my head about what I wanted for me. I was always a good kid, got good grades, and stayed out of trouble throughout most of my life. My first couple years were good, my eleventh grade year is when I lost myself, getting older and having more privileges. We started underage drinking, going to parties, getting wasted and thinking it was amazing. Pretty soon I started smoking weed.
As I got older my substance abuse got worse. I wanted and needed more everyday, every minute, until that’s all I would do or wanted to do. Not long after that I started breaking rules or laws to get what I needed. I broke a lot of laws and never got caught. Then I got caught and went to jail for the first time. After the third time I got to choose to come to Dr. Noll’s class, so I came still abusing, not listening and failed.
Now I’m back again, sober and with an open-mind. And I can say I’m glad I came back with a clear head because she helped me change my life.
I’m retraining my brain to help me succeed and grow to a man. I’m blessed to have opened-up and learned something. I love myself for me and I wouldn’t change what I have or what I’ve learned for anything. Retraining my brain has given me the best tool, how to use my brain to it’s full power.
I’m me. I’m amazing, beautiful and so much fun. I will keep moving forward with my life that is full of positive energy and spreading the word to the world. Dr. Noll has helped me so much and I thank her for all the time and energy she put into me.