Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Now you can combine imagination with the knowledge you’ve gained from your experience with Good With Me to be who and what you want to be.
Imagination is very important when reinventing who you are, so let it run wild. Who or what would you be in your wildest, most uninhibited dreams? It’s time to become that which you have always wanted to be (as long as it is moral and legal) and have heretofore thought was impossible.
You now understand that it was your other-dependent thinking which made your dream seem impossible. Now you know ‘what a difference a thought makes! Stop allowing your thoughts to limit you. Stop giving up on yourself and stop giving up your personal identity without giving it a single conscious thought. Stay on top of your box!
Who or what do you want to be? Write it down. Be specific. Remember this: when you are self-dependent and Good With Me you are happy with yourself just because. You can then be and do whatever you want or be and do nothing at all and you will be happy either way because you are no longer other-dependent.