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  • Good With Me – Don’t Suffer Through Events That Never Even Happened!

April 11, 2016

Good With Me – Don’t Suffer Through Events That Never Even Happened!

You may have noticed that when you think of something terrible that might happen, you not only feel anxious or panicky, uneasy or threatened, but your body responds physically as well.

good with meYou may begin to have sweaty palms or butterflies in your stomach; you may even become nauseous or experience a sleepless night. All of this happens as the result of the way you are thinking about the dreaded event that hasn’t yet happened. The body reacts as though a thought of some dreaded anticipated event is happening right now — right this very minute. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know that it isn’t happening right now. But, if you think it, you feel it and react to it.

An example might be a person who is worried that the Honorable Judge of the Court is going to sentence him to jail. He lives through the experience and the horror of being incarcerated every time he thinks about all of the terrible things that could happen to him in jail, even if there is no reason for him to ever be sent to jail. Likewise the individual who worries about being fired from his job feels anxious every time he thinks about it, even if he is a good employee never considered for a lay-off or firing. By the same token, the wife who worries that her husband might cheat on her lives through his cheating every time she thinks about it, even though it never happens. When the conscious mind thinks it, the subconscious mind reacts as though it is happening right here and right now.

So my question is this: How many times do you want to experience being in jail when it hasn’t even happened? How many times do you want to experience being fired without ever being fired? How many times do you want to suffer through the emotional pain of your husband’s cheating when he has never cheated?

Exploration and Discovery: Recall things you have worried about in the past that never happened. Compare what you worried about in the past to what actually happened. Did you expend a lot of energy being worried for nothing?


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