CHECK THIS OUT!!! Benefits Galore for Virtual Festival Activities
We have put together some extraordinary benefits for our Vendors because we care about you!
YES! These are unprecedented times.
YES! We have created double-the-fun and benefits galore for you!
Here's how it works...
All Activities who participate in the Virtual Festival which will run for 3 days on Facebook Zoom will participate FREE plus have the opportunity and priority status to participate in the 2021 "Good With Me" Festival in Historic Williams Park...
Check out the benefits galore for you!
- Featured in the Virtual Festival for FREE!!
- Create a 2-minute video telling thousands and thousands of people about you and your products/services to be featured permanently on the Virtual Festival on Facebook Zoom!
- You will receive a "Shout Out" on various social media prior to and during the Festival.
- You will have the opportunity to provide one or more of the prizes for the many drawings to be held throughout the virtual festival --- this means more recognition for you to thousands and thousands of people both local and around the world.
This next benefit is almost unheard of --
- Your video telling thousands and thousands of people who you are and what you do will link back to your website permanently.
Space is limited! Act now!
Respond right away to participate in this amazing event and receive all of the benefits galore listed above and more...
Contact us if you have questions at:
Michael Banning at
Patricia Noll at
P.S. Be sure to let us know if you want to provide a prize or two for the continuous give-aways throughout the festival.