What were you taught about what it takes to be happy in life?
What were you told you have to have? What were you told you have to do? Were you told you have to have the right friends including which ones were right and which ones weren’t? Did you have to find the right relationship partner? How important was it to fit in and belong with the right group of people?
Was it expected that you would be popular within your peer group? What about getting good enough grades in school, the right education, the right degrees from the right college or university, graduating with honors, and finally choosing the right career? What about being good in athletics, band, cheerleading, et cetera? What about wearing the right clothes, especially the right designer labels? What about driving the right automobile, or residing in the perfect house in the best neighborhood? Make a list of what you have considered to be the “right-stuff” to make you happy. And don’t be surprised if it’s a long one.
Do you think happiness is having plenty of possessions even though the rest of your life is in shambles? Have you ever thought that in fact, acquiring, being attached to, and worrying about keeping all of those possessions such as a new car, a bigger boat, a larger house, or even the most fashionable wardrobe, underwear, jewelry, or perfume could actually be a source of unhappiness? When is enough, enough? Is it ever enough?
No it isn’t — not for the person who is looking for happiness in someone or something outside of themselves.