Is Your Self-Esteem Other-Dependent?
Are you unhappy and don’t know why or how to fix it?
Do you compare yourself to others and end up feeling bad about yourself?
Do you worry about what others think about you?
Is being successful and having it all not enough?
Have you given up on yourself?
If your answer is yes to any of the above, you may have other-dependent esteem. According to licensed counselor and self-esteem expert Patricia Noll, other-dependent esteem means that our happiness and self-worth depend upon something outside of ourselves, such as:
- what we have, do, and know
- what others think about us
- looking good
- being right
- achievements and accomplishments
- being the best
- and more.
The problem is that nothing outside of ourselves can truly make us happy-at least not for long. Other-dependent esteem creates a cycle of stress, addictive behavior, dependency, and ultimately deep unhappiness.
Giving the gift of “Good With Me” will make this and every holiday special. You know you really want to do this. So let’s go….