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  • Could A Book Really “Clean Your Thinking Process”? It’s Simple…

March 15, 2018

Could A Book Really “Clean Your Thinking Process”? It’s Simple…

Steve Jobs, and the late CEO of Apple Inc, has been quoted as stating, “Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”

Simple doesn’t always mean easy, especially in the beginning when you still think it’s hard. It’s kind of like the complexity of taking your first step. It wasn’t easy and took a lot of focus, concentration, and above all, determination. Then it took your commitment to get back up after falling down. But before you knew it, you were walking and running. Both became simple and easy to do! It became an automatic behavior that didn’t require much thought. You moved the mountain!

Chinese philosopher (604 BC-531 BC) Lao-tzu taught us that, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” You have already taken a single step. Continue the journey you have already begun. Don’t wait until later when you have more time to reinvent yourself. Don’t put the next step of your life on hold. Don’t wait until the next book is written or the next seminar is scheduled.

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