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  • Your First Step Can Move a Mountain…

September 17, 2014

Your First Step Can Move a Mountain…

Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple Inc, has been quoted as stating, “Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”


This is exemplified in the following poem by John P. Collins:

Why do I try to impress? When the reality is
It’s irrelevant to my success.

If I focus on myself, my goals, and my dreams,
Around the corner I’ll find what before was unseen.


In a world where people judge only on what they see,
I must remain focused on what impresses me.

The mind is a powerful thing, keep it opened, let it explore
And you’ll see all opportunities that once were ignored.

I once was lost in a world of soul confusion, where
Happiness and love were mental illusions.

I was locked in a basement letting no one inside, feeling
Sorry for myself and losing my pride.

With the help of one I open my eyes and I see all the
things that once were disguised.

“This poem was inspired by Dr. Patricia Noll. Keeping an open mind and
embracing her teachings has helped me to open my eyes and realize that there’s
more to life than what we see especially when we’re under the influence of drugs
and alcohol. Clear your mind and experience the high of life itself.”
—John P. Collins

Simple doesn’t always mean easy, especially in the beginning when you still think it’s hard. It’s kind of like taking your first step. It wasn’t easy and took a lot of focus and determination. Then it took your commitment to get back up after falling down. But before you knew it you were walking and running. Both became simple and easy to do. It became an automatic behavior that didn’t require much thought. You moved the mountain!

I think you know the next step to take…

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