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  • When It Comes to Happiness, Repetition is the Key to Success!

February 3, 2016

When It Comes to Happiness, Repetition is the Key to Success!

Those in the know recognize that repetition works. If you doubt that even a little bit just look at how well it worked in making you other-dependent.

Current research corroborates the concept of repetition by suggesting that as many as 98% of the thoughts you have today are the same thoughts you had the day before. If you even slightly question the idea that repetition works, just think about how well the repetitive negative thoughts you have had about yourself day after day have worked. How much more proof do you need that repetition works?

self esteem and addiction patricia nollEvery publicist and advertising agency knows that a good advertising campaign must be repetitive in order to achieve a specific goal. Likewise, you not only have to practice thinking good thoughts about yourself with deliberate intention, you have to repetitively practice thinking good thoughts about yourself with deliberate intention day after day after day. You have to think them over and over and over and over and over again and again to achieve the results you desire. It may feel odd or uncomfortable at first, but do it anyway. Soon it will feel as natural as breathing.

Those uncomplimentary thoughts about yourself are the thoughts you are going to have to delete from your repertoire and replace with new positive ones. In order to do so, it is time for you to start your own personal Good With Me advertising campaign.

Begin your own personal Good With Me advertising campaign by showering yourself with praise and compliments over and over and over for hours and hours every day. Make a list, a very long list, of complimentary words to repeat to yourself about yourself. Choose at least one complimentary word to repeat each day. Repeat it all day long. Notice how you feel at the end of the day.




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