Throught these blog posts, you have gained a new and insightful understanding about yourself and recognize that being other-dependent and lacking self-dependent esteem has deprived you of experiencing real happiness from the inside out.
The next step to self-esteem is usually the most difficult. You actually have to admit that you have none. At first, the act of admitting that you have no self-esteem isn’t easy. It can be quite scary. When you have no self-esteem it is almost impossible to admit it. Why? Because the need to look good, to be right, and the concern about how other people think about you is still extremely important — right? It’s another one of those catch-22s in life. You have to have some measure of self-dependent esteem in order to admit you don’t have it.
Even harder than admitting you have no self-esteem is admitting that you are dependent upon the approval of others or something else outside yourself for any esteem you do have for yourself. It is usually quite difficult for people who are other-dependent to admit that they live for the praise they receive from others. It isn’t easy to admit that it is the praise they receive from others that generally keeps them going. And they certainly don’t want to let anyone know that they depend upon the opinions of others prior to making decisions. Nor do they want others to know that they do whatever it takes to be right in front of others. And, Heaven forbid that they are wrong.
So how do you actually develop self-dependent esteem that allows you to feel good about yourself all of the time and in every situation? It’s very simple. It is like growing a garden. You think new healthy thoughts about yourself; the new healthy thoughts take root, then germinate and multiply into more new healthy thoughts about yourself until they begin to grow your own special garden variety of self-dependent esteem.