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  • Make Your List About Your Greatest Qualities… Watch What Happens.

April 27, 2016

Make Your List About Your Greatest Qualities… Watch What Happens.

Make a list of all the unique positive qualities about you. Have fun with this!

deepak chopra happinessYou can even use your imagination and list the qualities you want to be true about you! Relish them! Place them on sticky notes everywhere— on your bathroom mirror, on your mobile phone, on the steering wheel of your car, on your desk, in your office cubicle, and any other location where you will see them often. Make sure you look at them often. Speak them out loud so that your own ears can hear them. This is the new you!

Best-selling author Deepak Chopra, M.D., and Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.d., professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School champion the power of this kind of thinking in their book Super Brain. They have written, “You act as leader, inventor, teacher, and user of your brain, all at once.” They go on to say,

“As leader, you handout the day’s orders to your brain.

As inventor, you create new pathways and connections inside your brain that didn’t exist yesterday.

As teacher, you train your brain to learn new skills.

As user, you are responsible for keeping your brain in good working order.”

They further write, “In these four roles lies the difference between the everyday brain…..and what we are calling super brain. Super brain stands for a fully aware creator using the brain to maximum advantage. Your brain is endlessly adaptable.”

When will you claim your Super Brain? If you like what you’re reading here, this is the place to get more…

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