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  • Keys To Finding Happiness: My Thought Regarding “Thoughts”

October 30, 2014

Keys To Finding Happiness: My Thought Regarding “Thoughts”

Rene Descartes (1596-1650) said it best: “I think, therefore I am.”

Ponder this: What would your reality of yourself and anyone or anything else be if you could not think? Of course, it would be whatever it was, but you wouldn’t know what it was. You would have no knowledge of it because nothing can exist in your experience without thought to make it so. Far too many individuals don’t realize it is their very own thinking that creates all the chatter they hear going on inside their heads.

Most don’t even notice the chatter at all. Most of us weren’t taught that we are the ones responsible for the chatter.

thoughts-have-power_p1622004Thoughts create your blueprint for the way you experience yourself and everyone and everything else. And they do so with or without your awareness. All thought is powerful whether intentional or unintentional. The thoughts that go unnoticed are just as powerful as the thoughts you think with intention.

Pay attention to your thinking for a day. Keep a log of your thoughts throughout the day. See if you can notice what kind of thoughts you are having. Can you tell if they are positive or negative? You will have to remind yourself continually to be conscious of your thinking. This will take lots of energy, so don’t become discouraged when some of your thoughts get past you unnoticed. You, like almost everyone else, may have spent a lifetime ignoring your thoughts.

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