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  • Finding Happiness: How Do You Know When It’s Starting To Happen?

August 24, 2016

Finding Happiness: How Do You Know When It’s Starting To Happen?

A noticeable sign that you are gaining some self-dependent esteem is that the ongoing negative chatter will no longer exist in the forefront of your mind.

The negative chatter may not totally disappear at first, but you will start to notice that it’s moving further and further to the back of your thoughts.

the key to happinessAnother noticeable measure of success is when the conversations you are having with yourself about yourself begin to change. Instead of saying, “Why are those people laughing at me? They must be laughing at me because I look weird,” the little voice that used to put you down has changed to, “Look at those people laughing. They must be having fun.” In other words, you are beginning to realize that not everything is about you.


With that realization, your level of self-consciousness will lessen. You’ll begin to stop personalizing everything. Your exaggerated sense of self-importance will begin to disappear. You’ll become more aware of the existence of other people and you will be more aware of your surroundings.

Your measure of success will also be evidenced by the way you feel.



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