Practice changing negative stress-producing thoughts into positive, calming thoughts. Pick a situation in which you would normally become stressed. Identify the type of thoughts you would normally have in that situation. Can you identify the stress-producing thoughts?
Once you have identified the stress-producing thoughts, change them to positive, calming thoughts. Create your own personal positive, calming words for this situation and then repeat them over and over again. This is likely to feel strange, even uncomfortable at first, because you are used to feeling stressed out.
You might not even believe it is possible to change your stress-producing thoughts to positive, calming thoughts. If and when this happens, just notice that you are uncomfortable and keep on thinking positive, calming thoughts about the situation. Speak the words out loud. Continue this process until you are able to get past your discomfort and your own negative stress-producing thoughts.
Creating your own happiness and changing the nature of your thoughts is not as difficult as it seems. It’s a part of our nature and an intimate part of who we really are. There are many shortcuts creating positive thoughts when you’re ready to take the small leap forward…