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  • A Bully is a Bully is a Bully – Part 2

October 6, 2014

A Bully is a Bully is a Bully – Part 2

Money, prestige, popularity, and even publicity are things keep the celebrity bully, star athlete bully, favored politician bully, corporate CEO bully, and other bullies in high places buoyed up. Thugs have little to none of these resources to keep them buoyed up. They too will rationalize and justify their behavior but more often than not end up in deeper trouble or even in jail.

But there is one thing all bullies DO have in common.

Bullies are angry!

Even though many will deny it and others will do all they can to hide it…they are angry. Most do their best to control their anger in order to look good to the outside world, but there are some who don’t give a rat’s patootie about expressing it for all to see.

bullyingFor sure anger is an extremely powerful emotion for anyone who feels it. And it’s hard to keep under wraps at all times…even for those who are doing their very best to control it. It will eventually either explode or implode for even the coolest of individuals. When it explodes, “I hurt you.” When it implodes, “I hurt me.” And for some it does both…it explodes and then implodes. We hear about this on breaking news all the time.



So why are bullies angry?

Bullies have no self-dependent esteem. For the most part, they feel as though they don’t fit in and belong much of anywhere so they get in wherever they can fit in. The standards are pretty low for being a gang member, drug dealer, or terrorist. Just adhere to their beliefs and you’re in. All you have to do is be willing to hurt someone, smoke a little dope, or practice violence – bullying.

For others the stakes are higher. They understand they have to get all A’s, be the best athlete, wear designer-label apparel, live on the right side of the tracks, graduate from an ivy-league school, be seen with all of the right people in all of the right places and own all of the right stuff.

They even fake happiness and pretend to be someone they know they aren’t so that others will have a good opinion of them. They have no self-dependent esteem either.

They are all angry because they are dependent upon someone or something to make them feel good about who they are.

Is there someone you know who is being bullied? Or maybe someone you know is the bully and you’re not sure what to do about it. Download the 1st chapter of Good With Me below and get started understanding how you can make a change today.

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