We may think everyone is scrutinizing everything about us: how we dress, our weight, the way we style our hair, every wrinkle and zit on our face, and every other “fill-in-the-blank” facet of how we look.
We may think they are judging every move we make, everything we say, who we know, what we know and don’t know, how much money we appear to have, our lifestyle, our friends, and all the rest of that stuff that bothers you.
What we have not heretofore known is that most individuals are too busy worrying about how they look to us to pay much attention to how we look. If you find this concept hard to believe, here is an example of how it works.
Have you ever begun telling someone the details about something exciting that has happened to you and before you knew it the other person changed the topic of conversation to themselves and their latest exciting news? Start to pay attention to this phenomenon. It can be a very rude awakening to find out that others don’t really pay a whole lot of attention to what happens to you, and if the truth be known, many couldn’t care less.
This isn’t to say that people don’t care. It just means that others are not focused on your life in the way you might think they are. It means that each one of us is the center of our own universe, not someone else’s.
What do you think others think about you? Do you personalize what you think others think about you? See if you can remember a time or two when you personalized what you thought someone else was thinking about you. How do you know what they were thinking about you?